once upon a time

once upon a time. Who was the one who existed? He was God and there was no one but God. Take seriously the story that there is no one but God.

Pharaoh's body was taken to a special location in the center of France so that the greatest archaeologists, along with the best surgeons and autopsies in France, could begin their experiments on the body and discover its secrets.
The head of the research and restoration group was one of France's greatest scientists, Professor Maurice Bocay, who, unlike others who sought to restore the body, sought to unravel the mystery of how the pharaoh died.

Professor Bukay's investigation continued until the final results appeared in the late hours of the night. The sea has embalmed it to preserve the corpse. But the strange question, and what surprised Professor Bukay so much, was how this corpse remained healthier than the other corpses while the corpse was pulled out of the sea.

حیرت و سردرگمی پروفسور دوچندان شد وقتی دید نتیجه تحقیق کاملا مطابق با نظر مسلمانان در مورد غرق شدن فرعون است و از خود سئوال می کرد که چگونه این امر ممکن است با توجه به اینکه این مومیایی در سال ۱۸۹۸ میلادی و تقریبا در حدود ۲۰۰ سال قبل کشف شده است، در حالی که قرآن مسلمانان قبل از ۱۴۰۰ سال پیدا شده است؟!

لذا بعد از اتمام کار به کشورهای اسلامی سفر کرد و به تحقیق پرداخت تا بالاخرة آیه ۹۲ سوره یونس را برایش خواندند. به این صورت بود که به دین مبین اسلام مشرف شد.